Sunday 18 January 2015

Sunday Markets

Every Sunday I go to my local farmers market with my family, today I thought I'd share some photographs with you.

Mmmm nothing like fresh fruit.

I love walking around the markets every week and getting my favourite produce

 Especially those free samples :)

Isn't this adorable?

Every week without fail i love to get a brownie at my favourite stall. 
Which one would you pick?

Now for my favourite part!
Eating my delicious brownie with a hot chocolate.

(I picked Salted Peanut, it was delicious)

What's a weekend ritual for you?
Comment below...

Hope you enjoyed 


Friday 16 January 2015

DIY nail wheel

Recently i was thinking of a way i could display my nail polishes so i decided to make a nail wheel. This is a fun and colourful way to display all of your nail polishes. All you need is some free time and ...

1. Cotton buds 
2. A blank CD
3. Gel glue 
4. Fake nails
5. Scissors
6. Blank paper
7. Pen

and of course your collection of nail polishes

First you trace the cd on a piece of paper twice and then glue it down on both sides.

Next you should cut your cotton buds evenly in half.

Get your glue and fake nails and put glue on a fake nail and some glue on the cotton bud. 

Then press cotton bud onto nail and hold for 10 seconds. Repeat this step for how many nails you have.

Paint each nail a different colour and wait to dry

And put some glue on the end of the cotton bud and on the CD and press for 10 seconds

Finally write each name of the nail polish on the front of the CD

and voliĆ  you have your own DIY nail wheel 

Hope you enjoyed 
