Tuesday 20 May 2014


The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.

Change is a scary thing, we know its coming and yet we are still shocked when it comes knocking on our door.
Change is always happening you just might not feel it.
Soon i'll be making a big change, and although i've know about this for almost 2 years i'm still terrified.
Like quacking in my boots,
of course admitting to our your vulnerability to others isn't easy.
And like Alan Watts says you have to plunge into change.
But sometimes i don't know if i'll have the courage to make the plune.
But when my favourite glee song (yes i said glee songs) comes on.
On our way makes me believe in myself,
as cheesy as that is i know i can make change.
And although we can't always make the change we want in the world,
we can always make the change in ourselves.
And with that note i leave you.
So follow, like and share and keep on reading...

Cherry pop