Wednesday, 20 August 2014

The Liebster Award

Hi all!

I am thrilled to have been nominated by ExceptionalForever and Moonlight Chai thanks so much for the nomination. This award is given to bloggers by bloggers to help recognise those blogs out there trying to make it.

First up, a couple rules to start off the fun:

  1. List 11 facts about yourself
  2. Answer 11 questions given to you by the person who has nominated you
  3. Write 11 new questions
  4.  Nominate 11 other bloggers with under 200 followers to answer your questions 
  5. Remember to let bloggers know you nominated them

11 facts about me
  1. I am 15 years old
  2. I moved to Edinburgh 2 months ago from Australia
  3. I have a cat called Chicken
  4. Bagels are a staple for me
  5. I have blue eyes
  6. I am terrified of heights
  7. I have 2 older sisters
  8. There are roughly 30 things in my room that have a love heart on them
  9. My best friend lives in Germany
  10. I'm way too into cheesy inspirational quotes
Questions by ExceptionalForever

1. Twitter or Facebook?
Facebook, I know Twitter is really big and i have it, but i love Facebook. 

2. Who is your style icon?
I would have to say Zoe Sugg from Zoella i just really love her simple feminine dresses and general style. Also she can rock some comfy clothes and no make-up and still be totally self- confident. 

3. What is your favourite make-up product?
Eyeshadow, especially the Naked 3 palette which i may or may not mention in a future post. I just love how much fun you can have with it, and really thats why i use make-up to have fun!

4. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
I know this is a boring answer but honestly Edinburgh is where i want to live. It's been a long move but I'm finally here and i love living here. But if i had to pick somewhere else to live it would have to be New York i absolutely fell in love with the place. 

5. What type of music do you listen to?
I listen to pretty much everything but i loved the soundtrack from 'The Secret Life of Walter Mitty', the Australian band San Cisco and "You are your Mothers Child" by Conor Oberst. Just to name a few :) 

6. What is your favourite clothing item?
My favourite clothing item would be my new leather ankle boots, (hope thats not cheating) which are completely gorgeous i love them to bits. 

7. If you could trade places with a celebrity for a day who would it be?
Well i would have to say Macklemore because i think it would be so cool to perform in front of loads of people and generally go wild.

8. If you could be an animal which one would you be and why?

Not to be cliche but i would be a bird so you know i could fly, even though i'm terrified of heights.

9.  Summer or Winter?
Winter. I can't stand the heat plus i don't tan. Also i love snow and curling up in bed with a good movie (preferably a chick flick) and a yummy hot chocolate.

10. If you could time travel what piece of advice would you give your younger self?

I would say everything is going to be alright and that i shouldn't be anxious or worried about it. But knowing me i would probably ignore my advice.

11. Have you overcome any fears?

Yes, i used to and still have problems confronting people but over the years i've learnt to speak up with someone when i have a problem with them. But i don't believe you can completely over come a fear its a constant battle that you have to face. 

My Questions:
1. Chocolate or Sweets?
2. What shoes are you wearing right now?
3. A book your currently reading? 
4. What's a future blog post you have in mind?
5. What's the best dream you've ever had?
6. What's three words your friends would use to describe you?
7. Who is your favourite Youtuber? (If you watch youtube)
8. What's a favourite childhood toy you remember? 
9. PC or MAC? 
10. Why did you start your blog?
11. What would you say is your most memorable personal achievement? 

I nominate the following:

1. Sally
3. Elsa

Thanks so much for being nominated and i hope you enjoyed this post. 